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-= GeForce 4 Topic Deel XII =-

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[quote:ac27b72660] Op 10-04-2002 21:42 schreef Slashhead: Bedankt heb altijd al moeite met omrekenen. Je hebt toch wel de 25% bonus van de Europese importeur erbij opgeteld he... :razz: [/quote:ac27b72660]25% maar ??? Tja, op die manier krijg ik nooit een nieuwe en betere test-systeem :wink:
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Op [url=]nV News[/url] hebben ze nu ook de Gainward Ti4600 getest: [i:f04bc5657e]Well, it's really hard to find anything bad to say about this card. It has run without any problems whatsoever and has visuals are better than any other card that I have ever seen. The 3D stereo glasses and firewire card options are things that I really don't use or need. The reason I didn't even bother with reviewing the glasses is that you must hit at least 100Hz refresh rate for them to work without flickering. That means using a resolution of 1024x768 for most people. Who wants to run a GeForce4 at that low of a resolution? Stereo glasses tend to present a darkened game environment and require constant tweaking. I find them far too distracting to even bother using. You can opt for the Ultra/750 package without them and save a few bucks. The real sting for all the Ti4600 cards is the price. However when put into perspective, you couldn't of bought a card this powerful a year or two ago, no matter what amount of money you had. People are already talking nV30 in the discussion boards, the Ti4400 is available for less money and it's rumored that Gainward is going to make a 2.6ns RAM equipped GeForce4 card soon. The old standard of seeing how well a card overclocks is no longer applicable. So it's a tough call to say anyone makes the "best" GeForce4 card at the this point in time. This card however is the only GeForce4 Ti available with two DVI outputs, and it does have TV in/out with decent programs to edit videos or watch DVD's with. I guess if I had to gripe about anything, it would be that it came with Serious Sam, instead of Serious Sam SE. But hey, at least it comes with a game. This card has added new life to many games and to my rig in general. I can recommend the Ultra/750 as a very stable and feature rich card. It's not quite as easy this time around to claim the Gainward card as "the best", this being due to NVIDIA's improvement on memory performance. The main thing that I can say about it, is that it has made 3D gaming much more fun and enjoyable. Which is what I feel a good graphic accelerator is meant to do, don't you? If so, the Ultra/750 will fit the bill with no disappointments.[/i:f04bc5657e]
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Ook bij [url=]nV News[/url] hebben ze een bericht over een Gainward GF4MX440 kaartje die maar liefst op 690mhz was te krijgen: [i:3bade0040f]Seems Gainward's never finished toying around with various memory configurations. PCPOP has received a GeForce4 MX 440 which features 3.6 ns BGA RAM (Just like the Gf4 Ti's). The bad boys were able to overclock the memory all the way up to an astounding 690MHz![/i:3bade0040f]
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Als ik het zo even die 180 dollar GF4 TI4200 dus (veel) beter dan die 200 euro GF3 TI200..180 dollar en 200 euro liggen vrij dicht bij elkaar..heeft iemand enig idee wanneer deze TI4200 op de markt komt? Bij Asus, Leadtek, en Club3D, kan ik niets vinden. Ook vind ik het merkwaardig dat op de website niets te vinden is over de Ti4200...of ik heb niet goed genoeg gezocht natuurlijk :wink: [ Dit bericht is bewerkt door: ruudpel op 2002-04-11 11:58 ]
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[quote:a8485d9292] Op 11-04-2002 12:16 schreef SkinnerEd: Daar heb je niet echt veel aan, de bottleneck ligt bij de Gf4Ti4600 in de meeste gevallen niet bij het geheugen, bovendien is het geheugen van het huidig gebruikte 2,8 ns al veel verder te over te klokken dan de core dus, een beetje nutteloze investering lijkt mij. [/quote:a8485d9292] Wat bedoel je nu Ed, is het snelle geheugen overbodig, of is die 64mb extra overbodig ? :wink: _________________ [url=]Mijn PC[/url] | [url=]3DMark2001SE[/url] [ Dit bericht is bewerkt door: hjs op 2002-04-11 12:24 ]
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Currently, the 64MB versions with their faster memory speeds of 250 (500) MHz are still unavailable. While a simulation of such a board is theoretically possible, it is hard to tell how big an impact memory size actually has on testing results. Our results from the GeForce3 Ti200 comparison (64MB vs. 128MB cards) do not necessarily hold true for the GeForce4 series.
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volgens tomshardware 3 weken, gainward 4..vind ik allebei snel genoeg :smile: maar nogmaals...'snel' 64 MB of 'langzaam' 128 MB? m'n gevoel zegt dat 'et dan toch verstandiger is om de 64 MB versie te kopen..ik denk dat het nog wel een tijdje gaat duren voordat er spellen komen die 128 MB videogeheugen gebruiken.
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Idd..en ik heb me ook net bedacht..'t prijsverschil is maar 20 of 25 euro of zoiets..en in die test, is de 64 maar net ff iets sneller dan de 128..ik neem aan dat dat verschil bijna te verwaarlozen is..dus waarom zou je dan niet de 128 nemen.. shit nou maak ik mezelf weer aan 'et twijfelen :wink:
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