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Ja, precies.. ik heb de prijzen effe bekeken.... nou nog maar effe niet hehe.. :-) Overall-performance winst: - Scrollen in documenten of exploren van je harddisk - 2D Content in je browser - Installeren van applicaties - Uiteraard 3D-content en benchmarking - Lezen / schrijven harddisk verwacht ik veel van de 512 Kb L2 Cache + m'n 8 Mb Cache op de 7200 Western Digital - Games - procesafhandeling, handshakes en CPU-benchmarking Tja, zo overall genoeg ? Theoretisch gaat je cache omhoog (L2) + je processor klokcycli en kan dus meer instructies verwerken. Nog steeds zit het "gokken" van welke instructie bij wie hoort erin, maar dat terzijde.... Ik verwacht dan een sterke overall-performance winst en niet op alles natuurlijk (bijv. het kijken van DVD's zal denk ik hetzelfde blijven). Groet, Aswin
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[quote:1d1b2d6a1d="AswinW"]Ja, precies.. ik heb de prijzen effe bekeken.... nou nog maar effe niet hehe.. :-) Overall-performance winst: - Scrollen in documenten of exploren van je harddisk - 2D Content in je browser - Installeren van applicaties - Uiteraard 3D-content en benchmarking - Lezen / schrijven harddisk verwacht ik veel van de 512 Kb L2 Cache + m'n 8 Mb Cache op de 7200 Western Digital - Games - procesafhandeling, handshakes en CPU-benchmarking Tja, zo overall genoeg ? Theoretisch gaat je cache omhoog (L2) + je processor klokcycli en kan dus meer instructies verwerken. Nog steeds zit het "gokken" van welke instructie bij wie hoort erin, maar dat terzijde.... Ik verwacht dan een sterke overall-performance winst en niet op alles natuurlijk (bijv. het kijken van DVD's zal denk ik hetzelfde blijven). Groet, Aswin[/quote:1d1b2d6a1d] LOL, bij al die zaken gaat de CPU je niet helpen, die zijn meer afhankelijk van geheugen en HDD performance. Alleen bij games ga je verschilm merken denk ik.
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[quote:730751b95c="Wiep Corbier"][quote:730751b95c]Wiep, dat hangt geheel af van je specificaties van je mobo, dus als je die weet kunnen we je misschien verder helpen. Maar verwacht niet dat je er een Athlon 2000+ in kunt duwen, hoogstens een Duron 800 Mhz denk ik.[/quote:730751b95c] Ik heb echt geen flauw idee wat voor mobo erin zit.(ook geen idee hoe ik daar achter kan komen op een redelijk eenvoudige manier-buiten de hele kast slopen om- ) Maar een 800 vind ik al leuk genoeg hoor!! Echter de leverancier die ik op het oog heb, begint bij AMD Duron 850 Mhz fsb 200 Socket A. voor 44 euro incl BTW[/quote:730751b95c] heej wiep, ik heb evt nog wel een duron 800 mhz processor liggen incl. cooler...
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Zo denkt DELL erover. Wat vind je ervan (BA, Egslim e.a.) ? Can I upgrade the processor or motherboard in my Dell™ computer? NOTE: If you have a Dell PowerEdge server, refer to Dell Knowledge Base Article FA1065820. Dell does not offer processor or motherboard upgrades for purchase as discreet items, nor does Dell recommend upgrading the processor or motherboard in any given system; therefore, Dell cannot support systems in which the motherboard or processor has been upgraded through third-party services or products. Changing the processor or motherboard in your Dell system may be physically possible, not unlike installing another engine in your car, but like a computer manufacturer, an auto manufacturer will only warrant the original engine and is not in the business of selling upgraded engines for cars after they are built. Whether you choose to upgrade these non-warrantied items depends upon the level of support you expect from Dell and upon the level of your technical expertise. For most people, the availability of Dell's outstanding customer support is a major concern. When a customer receives a Dell system, Dell knows that the components installed at the factory will work together. Dell Technicians are trained to support each of the components in the system. Every Dell system is configured uniformly so that the Dell Technician, with the help of the customer, can troubleshoot the system with a minimum of guesswork. It is not possible for every Technician at Dell to know the details of third-party upgrade components available on the open market to computer users. Therefore, Dell Technicians can only support the components that were originally present in the system when it shipped from the factory; Dell Technicians can only support configurations that have been validated by Dell. One of the primary concerns addressed during the development of each Dell system type is stability. All components within a system must be able to function together. Dell Engineers and Technicians test each system type to ensure that all available components for that system will work together. For instance, within a given product line, Dell might plan to offer processor speeds of 500MHz, 600MHz, 700MHz, and 750MHz. All four processors are tested with other components available in that product line to make sure all of the components function together properly. It is possible that the 750Mhz processor was tested and found to be outside the limits of acceptable compatibility. Therefore, only the 500MHz, 600MHz and 700MHz processors are "validated" by Dell for use in the new product. Usually, significant leaps in computer performance are the result of the development of completely different technology. This means that a newer, faster processor (for instance) may very well require a completely redesigned and higher performance motherboard to take advantage of the higher speed of the processor. Placing a faster processor in a system with an older motherboard can result in a very unstable system, prone to frequent crashes. Dell system configurations are validated by Dell Product Engineers and thoroughly tested before they are released for sale to our customers. Many factors are involved in the decision to offer particular component configurations for Dell systems. These factors help ensure production of the highest quality, most cost effective, and most stable systems, delivered rapidly and with the fewest problems for the majority of our customers. Dell does not support processor or motherboard upgrades, neither will Dell warrant processor or motherboard upgrades. Upgrade processors and motherboards for Dell systems may be offered by third-party vendors and may function reasonably well in Dell systems; however, Dell does not endorse third-party vendors or the components they might offer. For information about upgrading other components, please refer to the Dell Knowledge Base Article: CC1012412 "Where can I locate upgrade information regarding my system?" Spare Parts for your Dell™ computer can be purchased through Dell Spare Parts or PC Service Source (PCSS). You can purchase upgrades directly from the Spare Parts For Your System link or browse to: Upgrades ordered from Dell Spare Parts will be covered under any remaining warranty of the system. You can also browse directly to the Dell Software and Accessories Web site at: Click the link that best describes your needs and choose from the available upgrade choices.
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