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Dat laatste is dus echt gewoon photoshop :D\n\nMoet je deze (engelse) top 23 zien:\n\n1. Cockburn, Western Australia\nAlthough this name is often pronounced \"Coburn\" by those who stand to lose from its awfulness, who\nactually reads that when they see this word? Oh, how it burns.\n\n2. Twatt, Orkney, Shetland Islands, Scotland\nThe Shetland Islands, pronounced \"Shitland Islands\" by the locals. Oh the pride...\n\n3. Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu, New Zealand\nLocals call this hill in Hawke\'s Bay \"Taumata\" because... Well. Just because.\n\n4. Muff, Ireland\nThey have a town called Muff. Har har har.\n\n5. Looneyville, Texas, United States\nLittle Looneyville was named for storekeeper John Looney in the early 1870s. But who gives a shit. This\nis a hilarious name for a town in the state that brought us Dallas, the Bush Twins and Waco. How awkward must that be when you go to college? \"Hey guys, my name\'s Johnny and I\'m from Looneyville!\"\n\n6. Titty Hill, Sussex, England\nFalling squarely into the extensive Stupid Place Names From England category, Titty Hill is probably\nlocated just north of...\n\n7. Thong, Kent, England\nWhich actually is south-east of...\n\n8. Gravesend, Kent, England\nOh, come on, England. Grave send? What a nasty, depressing little name. You could have at least gone all\nthe way with this one and called it Corpse Feet.\n\n9. Wetwang, Yorkshire... yep! England again!\nOkay, so I\'ll cut England some slack. It\'s an old country. You know, if the United States is Google, then\nEngland is IBM. Their country is older than freakin dirt. They can\'t be blamed for having names that sound\nfunny in 2007. But this is kind of ridiculous. Wetwang? I\'m surprised they don\'t have towns called Squishy\nVagina or Infected Scrotum.\n\n10. Spread Eagle, Wisconsin\nIf I were mayor of Spread Eagle, I\'d be making diplomatic advances towards the city leaders over in\nWetwang to form a Sister-City relationship. Or maybe more of a Platonic-Friends-City relationship. After\nthat, we\'d just take thing slow and see what happened.\n\n11. Bald Knob, Arkansas, United States\nWell, I guess it\'s better than Hairy Knob. I assume England already has that one covered.\n\n12. Cockup, Cumbria, England\nCumbria is a county in the very north-west of England. What the backwoods of Alabama are to America is\nwhat Cumbria is to Britain. They talk funny up there. Thus, it isn\'t thoroughly surprising that they have a\ntown called Cockup. What do you call someone from this place? A Cockupper? Cockupeleite?\nCockuppian? Cockupican?\n\n13. Whiskey Dick Mountain, Washington State, United States\nAs hard as America tries, it can\'t compete with Britain\'s high standards. This was a good effort, though.\nWell done, Washington.\n\n14. Hookersville, West Virginia\nUndoubtedly named before \"hooker\" meant \"prostitute who picks men up on street corners,\" Hookersville\ncombines two crimes of place-naming. One, a dirty sounding adjective (they couldn\'t have chosen\n\"Pleasant\"? \"Sunny\"? \"Happy\"?) And two, they added \"ville\" to the end of the town\'s name. Affixing\n\"ville\" to the end of a town\'s name is like dressing your silly little dog in a cardigan and letting him carry his\nleash around in his mouth. It just makes the poor animal look stupid.\n\n15. Hell, Michigan, United States\nThe people in this town at least seem to have a good sense of humor about their home\'s unfortunate name.\nAlthough, I\'m sure there\'s some midwestern idiots in Hell who get all offended and defensive when the\ntown shows up on lists like this. I\'m looking forward to reading their insightful emails and comments.\n\n16. Toad Suck, Arkansas, United States\nSo that\'s what they do down in the big AR.\n\n17. Middelfart, Denmark\nI guess it\'s not so funny to them, but how do we know that \"Seattle\" doesn\'t mean \"Big Fat Stinking Turd\"\nin Danish? That\'s right, we don\'t. And it probably does.\n\n18. Horneytown, North Carolina, United States\nIts proximity to Hookersville, West Virginia is no coincidence. I also assume that, like Hookersville, the\nnaming of Horneytown took place before \"horney\" meant \"aching for a hot piece of ass\" with an extra \"e\".\nBut I\'m starting to wonder why, pride and tradition aside, the townspeople in these little places never saw\nit fit to change their homes\' names? Do they enjoy being ridiculed by the entire English-speaking world?\n\n19. Shitterton, Dorset, England\nI wonder if they bleep out the first part of Shitterton\'s name if it\'s mentioned on the Disney Channel?\n\n20. Disappointment, Kentucky, United States\nLe sigh. Never mind. You live in a small town in Kentucky. At least it was appropriately named.\n\n21. Fucking, Austria\nThe idiots who live in Fu[c]king, Austria had a vote in 2004 to determine whether or not they should\nchange the town\'s name, and you know what they did? They voted against it, preferring instead to put up\nwith international ridicule, numerous stolen road-signs and horrific Google results.\n\n22. Whakapapa\nIn Maori, the native language of New Zealand, the \"wh\" sound is pronounced \"f\". Say it aloud in your office and see what happens.\n\n23. Pussy, France\nThe name derives from the Gallo-Roman name Pusiacum, from pusus meaning little boy. Pussy and several other small villages were merged into the La Léchère commune for administrative purposes in 1972.\n\n\n[IMG][/IMG]\n\n\n\nHet is echt gewoon erg :D
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Voor alle duidelijkheid is hier enige info.\n\nEmmer-Compascuum is een dorp gelegen in de gemeente Emmen.\nHet ligt 11 kilometer ten oosten van Emmen. Emmer-Compascuum betekent de gemeenschappelijke weide van dorp Emmen.\nIn 19e eeuw toen de venen in de rest van het land allemaal vergraven zijn, bleef alleen in het Noordoosten van Nederland nog een stuk hoogveen ongeroerd.\nDit stukje veen is in het westen begrensd door de Hondsrug en in het oosten door de Duitse grens.\nNederlands deel van het hoogveen maakt onderdeel uit van een groter moerasgebied: Bourtangemoer.\nVanuit het noorden en het zuiden werd vanaf tweede helft van de 19e eeuw naar huidige Emmer-Compascuum gegraven. In het zuiden is Emmer-Compascuum ontsloten door het Oranjekanaal en in het noorden water Emmer-Compascuum af op het Stadskanaal.\nDwars door Emmer-Compascuum liep het veenbeekje De Runde die gedempt werd toen het beekje niet meer nodig was voor de afwatering.\nIn 1907 kreeg Emmer-Compascuum een verbinding per stoomtram toen de DSM haar station er opende.\nDe lijn tussen Klazienaveen en Ter Apel werd op 9 april 1940 opgeheven. Emmer-Compascuum is een typisch veenkolonie.\nHet dorp is vooral bebouwd langs de kanalen, Hoofdkanaal, Kanaal-A en Kanaal-B, die toentertijd gebruikt werd voor ontwatering van het moeras en vervoer van het gewonnen veen.\nHaaks op de kanalen lopen de wijken.\nDe wijken verdelen het moeras in evengrote langgerekte percelen.\nVanuit die wijken werden weer sloten gegraven die het veen ontwateren om gestoken te worden.\nVia deze systematische wijze van winning werd ongeveer een veenpakket van ongeveer 3 meter vergraven.\nDe veenarbeiders die in Emmer-Compascuum ter werk gesteld zijn kwamen van alle delen van het land.\nDe meeste van hen zijn met de veencompanies meegetrokken vanuit Friesland en Groningen.\nToen het veen op was vertrokken vele veenarbeiders weer.\nEmmer-Compascuum verloor in korte tijd bijna de helft van haar bevolking. In het kader van het creëren van werkgelegenheid werden er steenfabrieken gebouwd.\nInmiddels zijn die baksteenfabrieken weer gesloten.\nDe baksteenfabriek is de voorganger van de AKU later verandert in de Enka en toen kreeg het de naam van Akzo na enige tijd leegstand kwam er de NPBI, een fabriek die katheters en buizen voor de bloedtransfusie en plasma produceert.\nInmiddels is het NPBI overgenomen door het Duitse bedrijf Fresenius Product Partnering en is de grootste werkgever in Emmer-Compascuum.\nSinds de veenwinning afgelopen is nam de bevolkingsomvang van Emmer-Compascuum af.\nMaar met de nieuwe bestaansmiddelen, industrie en landbouw, begon de bevolking weer gestaag te groeien.\nEmmer-Compascuum had zelfs de eerste bioscoop van gemeente Emmen.\nInmiddels is Emmer-Compascuum uitgegroeid tot op één na grootst dorp van Gemeente Emmen, met een bevolkingsomvang van ongeveer 8000 mensen. 70% van hen woont in het centrale gedeelte van het dorp.\n\nBron. wikipedia\n\nGerard
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