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I cannot LEFT or RICHT click, the Safely remove usb devices


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Hey i got a very weird problem! I cannot LEFT or RICHT click, the Safely remove usb devices tray icon. So its there allright, if i hover over the tray icon with the mouse, it even shows me a pop-up "Safely remove usb devices" but i cannot click on it..!!!? wtf is this? anyone ever had this before? can i fix this. USB flash driver can be ejected thru "this computer" but a usb HDD can't, so its very annoying! maby it has something to do with a service i disabled? i allready checkt some things thru, maby i miss something here.. or maby its just an annoying bug. looking forward for a solution, or a idea! thanks in advance! Optional information: I have windows 7 profesional from MSDN The icon workt before, but i did some service tweaking. - Windows Firewall is completly shutdown - I got Zonealarm extreme, i turnd it off also, still cant click the icon! - Got no custom bars! - Got no custom notifications. Tried these thru run: "%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll" and "rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll" both show me the remove dialog. why the hell can't i click on the sys tray icon? can i re-add the sys icon somehow? sorry voor het Engels, geen tijd om opnieuw te vertalen, de vraag is op 10 forums gepost. waaronder dus Engels talige. hoop dat iemand mij kan helpen!
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[quote:d051b9e670="support4u"]sorry voor het Engels, geen tijd om opnieuw te vertalen, de vraag is op 10 forums gepost. waaronder dus Engels talige. [/quote:d051b9e670] Het posten in het Nederlands is toch vereist, voor een Nederlands forum. Die op [url=][/url] is zo te zien al gesloten. Die Engelstalige forum thread is zeker deze Het is overigens niet richt click, maar right click. Bovendien kun je in Windows 7 ook verwisselbare apparaten veilig verwijderen, via de verkenner. Check voor uitleg het Windows Seven Forums deze Tutorial [url=]Windows 7 - Safely Remove Hardware - Eject Device.[/url]
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