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Berichten die geplaatst zijn door Anonymous

  1. Citaat van: bennie op  6 maart 2016, 15:28:36i dont know how much it costs but you can also sent it to you can ask someone in your neighborhood to fix it or maybe you live in the east of holland i can help youSince I couldn't find my multimeter, I took the front panel seems like we have a problem there - see attached.

  2. Citaat van: bennie op  5 maart 2016, 18:44:49if just half an hour work to fix(...)you can buy is by the website is also a manual how to do itYep, it's overhere or here with google translate to English  I have to add that sometimes the dead IC has another type. The following types are very common:LNK304GNLNK304PNLNK364GNA little less common but seen also:LNK305PNTNY266PNOf course all of them are available at the webshop mentioned above!En een vrije vertaling in het Nederlands voor alle andere meelezers:Klopt, je kan die handlieding hier vinden.Ik moet wel toevoegen dat de dode IC soms van een ander type kan zijn. De IC's die het meeste voorkomen (stuk gaan dus ;-) zijn:LNK304GNLNK304PNLNK364GNEn deze IC's gaan ook stuk, maar komen nog minder vaak voor:LNK305PNTNY266PNUiteraard zijn ze allemaal te bestellen op de hierboven genoemde webshop!

  3. sometimes  you can see the damage on the lnk304gn but not always(on my picture you can see the damage)but the numbers ( U4 and R76) are for a AEG dryerby whirpool the numbers are U3 and R47  i thinksee can  measuring the resistance with a "multimeter"if you cant measure anyting than both parts are damagedmost of the time this is the problem post pictures of both sides of the printed board so we can have a look

  4. if just half an hour work to fixthe printed board is on top of the front panel, get the topside of from the dryer and you can see itmake a picture of the plugs (for no mistakes) and get it out and find the U4 and the R76 to checkyou can buy is by the website is also a manual how to do it

  5. a new one is expensive  if you can fix it by yourself  , this 2 things are incl. sending 6.65 euroif just half an hour work the printed board is on top of the front panel, get the topside of from the dryer and you can see itmake a picture of the plugs (for no mistakes) and get it out and find the U4 and the R76 to check

  6. Citaat van: bennie op  5 maart 2016, 18:05:25i try in englishif there is electricity on the socket than is something faulty inside the dryer most of the time the problem is on the Printed circuit boardyou can find it behind the controlsthe U4 and the R76 are damaged (see pictures)WOW thank you!Yes, there is electricity on the socket because the washing machine works just fine.the printed board is in the front panel side, right?is this something that a repairman can help fix or should I start thinking of buying a new one...?

  7. i try in englishif there is electricity on the socket than is something faulty inside the dryer most of the time the problem is on the Printed circuit boardyou can find it behind the controlsthe U4 and the R76 are damaged (see pictures) the U4 is that black thing (lnk304gn) and the R76 is a resistor of 47 ohm(i think you call it like that)
  8. Hello,

    our Whirlpool C doesn't seem to get any electricity.From searches over the internet and the manual I saw remarks about "changing the fuse", but I am not sure I know were that fuse is and if it is the actual problem.

    I did open the back panel of the machine and everything seems to be dry and *not* burned or rusted...

    Any ideas what/where to check?M.
  9. 2 jaar geleden een nieuwe droger gekocht. Samsung SDC35701.
    Sinds enige tijd blijft het filter lampje branden.
    Het filter is schoongemaakt maar het lampje blijft branden.
    Hij droogt de was niet meer goed en slaat steeds halverwege het droog programma af.
    Als de droger dan opnieuw wordt aangezet begint het probleem weer van voren.
    Het gebeurt een enkele keer dat de droger zijn hele programma af maakt en de was droog is.
    Wat kan ik eraan doen om dit probleem te verhelpen?
    Is dat mogelijk ook of moet er een reparatie aan te pas komen?
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