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Bluescreen of death in vista HELP wat is er?


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Ik heb vandaag twee keer de bluescreen of death gehad. Het fout rapport meld het volgende:\r\n\r\n[PHP]Probleemhandtekening:\r\n Gebeurtenisnaam van probleem: BlueScreen\r\n Versie van besturingssysteem: 6.0.6002.\r\n Landinstelling-id: 1043\r\n\r\nAanvullende informatie over dit probleem:\r\n BCCode: d1\r\n BCP1: 00000000\r\n BCP2: 00000002\r\n BCP3: 00000000\r\n BCP4: 8F42C8C4\r\n OS Version: 6_0_6002\r\n Service Pack: 2_0\r\n Product: 256_1\r\n\r\nBestanden die helpen bij het beschrijven van het probleem:\r\n D:\\Windows\\Minidump\\Mini091609-02.dmp\r\n D:\\Users\\Mimi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\WER-1274262-0.sysdata.xml\r\n D:\\Users\\Mimi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\WERB6B1.tmp.version.txt[/PHP]\r\n\r\nIk heb alles van de minidump gekopieerde en geupload en die zijn te downloaden op deze link te downloaden\r\n[URL=\"\"][/URL]\r\n\r\nDe volgende bestanden kon ik helaas niet vinden:\r\nD:\\Users\\Mimi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\WER-1274262-0.sysdata.xml\r\nD:\\Users\\Mimi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\WERB6B1.tmp.version.txt[/PHP]\r\n\r\nMijn system:\r\n\r\ndrie schijven \r\n1e 300 gig windows xp up to date\r\n2e 150 gig windows vista up to date\r\n3e 500 gig gedeelde schijf\r\n\r\n8800 gts nvidia 640 mb drivers newste door update\r\nMSI P6N sli 650i (geen speciale uitvoering) nforce drivers wist ik niet maar gebruikte altijd die van cd\r\n\r\ncpu intel core 2 e6600 \r\n4 gig ram herkent in vista \r\nwindows xp herkent 3 gig ram\r\n\r\nlinksys 54g draadloos netwerk kaart.\r\n\r\ninternet security kaspersky 2009 legal altijd up to date\r\nalle programma\'s die ik heb zijn legaal\r\n\r\nPS/2 toetsenboord dell quietkey (eerste ps/2 serie moederboord\r\nusb razer copperhead\r\n\r\nWindows zoek om oplossing stopt met zoeken en meld geen link en of iets wat mij wijzer of zou kunnen wijzer maken over het probleem dan wat ik hier boven heb gecopy past of getypt.\r\n\r\nAls je blieft allemaal help me\r\n\r\nAlvast bedankt
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D:\\Users\\Mimi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\WER-1274262-0.sysdata.xml\nD:\\Users\\Mimi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\WERB6B1.tmp.versi on.txt\n\ndie 2 staan verborgen maar die zijn makkelijk te vinden....\n\nga naar users Mimi en dan extra map opties en dan weergave helemaal naar beneden scrollen en dan verboregen bestanden en mappen weergeven aanklikken dat is de truc ;)\n\nverders weet ik te weinig erover om je te helpen sorry\n\njeroen
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Zover ik kan nagaan in jouw dumpfiles, is het de driver van jouw draadloze netwerkkaart van Linksys die dit veroorzaakt.\r\nHaal de kaart eens uit de pc, start opnieuw op, verwijder de driver en start weer opnieuw op.\r\nDownload daarna de nieuwste driver voor deze kaart bij Linksys en installeer deze.\r\nZet de pc uit, stop de kaart terug en start opnieuw op.
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[QUOTE=qpc;486090]Zover ik kan nagaan in jouw dumpfiles, is het de driver van jouw draadloze netwerkkaart van Linksys die dit veroorzaakt.\r\nHaal de kaart eens uit de pc, start opnieuw op, verwijder de driver en start weer opnieuw op.\r\nDownload daarna de nieuwste driver voor deze kaart bij Linksys en installeer deze.\r\nZet de pc uit, stop de kaart terug en start opnieuw op.[/QUOTE]\r\n\r\nI\'ll try that and updating my mainboard and graphics drivers. \r\n\r\n\r\nbut i\'am trying to build a live cd for vista and this keeps happening. To errors i\'ve in closed the log\r\n\r\n[HTML]\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n Scripts\r\n \r\n\r\n Main Configuration Version[12] 0.109 seconds \r\n PreConfig Version[12] 0.219 seconds \r\n\r\n 2 scripts processed. \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n Errors\r\n \r\n\r\n RegRead - Failed to read specified key from: [HKLM]Section: [SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\WimFltr] Key: [DisplayName] to variable:: [%RegName%] Run - Failed to find section [NotConfigured] in file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\Base\\00-api-main.script] \r\n\r\n 2 errors occured!\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n Warnings\r\n \r\n\r\n Halt Halt \r\n\r\n 2 warning messages\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n %BaseDir% = C:\\Documents and Settings\\Mimi\\Desktop\\vistape12rc1-base\\ \r\n(winbuilder\'s path is replaced by the variable %basedir% to make the log easier to read)\r\n\r\nWinBuilder version [075 beta 5 j] \r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n Main Configuration \r\n\r\n File [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\00-config-base.script] Version[12]\r\n \r\n Process common settings...\r\n System - OnBuildExit [System,ONBUILDEXIT,Exec,%API%,Clean]\r\n IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] evaluated string: [If,NotExistFile,%VistaInfo%,FileCreateBlank,%VistaInfo%]\r\n FileCreateBlank - Created a new file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini]\r\n IniAddSection - Created section in file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo]\r\n IF - [True] is equal to: [true] evaluated string: [If,%pRadioButton1%,Equal,true,IniWrite,%VistaInfo%,\"VistaInfo\",\"BuildModel\",\"MultiBoot\"]\r\n IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [BuildModel=MultiBoot]\r\n IF - [False] is not equal to: [true] evaluated string: [If,%pRadioButton2%,Equal,true,IniWrite,%VistaInfo%,\"VistaInfo\",\"BuildModel\",\"RAM\"]\r\n IF - [False] is not equal to: [true] evaluated string: [If,%pRadioButton3%,Equal,true,IniWrite,%VistaInfo%,\"VistaInfo\",\"BuildModel\",\"Normal\"]\r\n IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [Shell=BS Explorer]\r\n IF - [1024x768] is not equal to: [default] evaluated string: [If,\"%pScrollBox3%\",equal,\"default\",IniWrite,%VistaInfo%,\"VistaInfo\",\"ScreenResolution\",\"0x0\"]\r\n IF - [1024x768] is not equal to: [640x480] evaluated string: [If,\"%pScrollBox3%\",equal,\"640x480\",IniWrite,%VistaInfo%,\"VistaInfo\",\"ScreenResolution\",\"640x480\"]\r\n IF - [1024x768] is not equal to: [800x600] evaluated string: [If,\"%pScrollBox3%\",equal,\"800x600\",IniWrite,%VistaInfo%,\"VistaInfo\",\"ScreenResolution\",\"800x600\"]\r\n IF - [1024x768] is equal to: [1024x768] evaluated string: [If,\"%pScrollBox3%\",equal,\"1024x768\",IniWrite,%VistaInfo%,\"VistaInfo\",\"ScreenResolution\",\"1024x768\"]\r\n IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [ScreenResolution=1024x768]\r\n IF - [1024x768] is not equal to: [1024x800] evaluated string: [If,\"%pScrollBox3%\",equal,\"1024x800\",IniWrite,%VistaInfo%,\"VistaInfo\",\"ScreenResolution\",\"1024x800\"]\r\n IF - [1024x768] is not equal to: [1280x1024] evaluated string: [If,\"%pScrollBox3%\",equal,\"1280x1024\",IniWrite,%VistaInfo%,\"VistaInfo\",\"ScreenResolution\",\"1280x1024\"]\r\n IF - [1024x768] is not equal to: [1440x900] evaluated string: [If,\"%pScrollBox3%\",equal,\"1440x900\",IniWrite,%VistaInfo%,\"VistaInfo\",\"ScreenResolution\",\"1440x900\"]\r\n IF - [1024x768] is not equal to: [Optimal] evaluated string: [If,\"%pScrollBox3%\",equal,\"Optimal\",IniWrite,%VistaInfo%,\"VistaInfo\",\"ScreenResolution\",\"Optimal\"]\r\n IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [Locale=Auto]\r\n IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [GrubSkin=Face]\r\n IF - [False] is not equal to: [true] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox1%,Equal,true,IniWrite,%VistaInfo%,\"VistaInfo\",\"ForceAllToRam\",\"Yes\"]\r\n IF - [False] is equal to: [false] evaluated string: [If,%pCheckBox1%,Equal,false,IniWrite,%VistaInfo%,\"VistaInfo\",\"ForceAllToRam\",\"No\"]\r\n IniWrite - Wrote INI key in file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [ForceAllToRam=No]\r\n Script time: 109 miliseconds\r\n\r\n Finished processing script: Main Configuration\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n PreConfig \r\n\r\n File [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\Base\\01-preconfig.script] Version[12]\r\n \r\n Preparing system...\r\n IF - [075] is not smaller than [075] evaluated string: [If,\"%Version%\",Smaller,\"075\",begin]\r\n [Message,\"Winbuilder 075 or higher is needed\",Error]\r\n [Exit,\"Winbuilder 075 or higher is needed\"]\r\n [end]\r\n DirMake - Created directory: [%BaseDir%\\Temp]\r\n DirMake - Created directory: [%BaseDir%\\Temp\\VistaPE-Core]\r\n DirMake - Created directory: [%BaseDir%\\Custom]\r\n DirMake - Created directory: [%BaseDir%\\Custom\\VistaPE-Core]\r\n DirMake - Created directory: [%BaseDir%\\Temp\\VistaPE-Core\\BootWimSrc]\r\n DirMake - Created directory: [%BaseDir%\\Temp\\VistaPE-Core\\InstallWimSrc]\r\n DirMake - Created directory: [%BaseDir%\\ISO]\r\n DirMake - Created directory: [%BaseDir%\\Target\\VistaPE-Core]\r\n IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\\WINDOWS\\SysWOW64] evaluated string: [If,ExistDir,\"%WindowsDir%\\SysWOW64\",Set,%SysType%,\"amd64\"]\r\n IF - Directory does not exist: [C:\\WINDOWS\\SysWOW64] evaluated string: [If,NotExistDir,\"%WindowsDir%\\SysWOW64\",Set,%SysType%,\"x86\"]\r\n SetVar - Sucessfuly changed the value of [%SysType%] to: [x86]\r\n \r\n Run - Processing section: [AutoDetectWimTool] From file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\Base\\01-preconfig.script]\r\n \r\n Run - Processing section: [AutoFindImagex] From file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\Base\\01-preconfig.script]\r\n Detecting \"imagex.exe\"...\r\n IF - File does not exist: [%programfiles%\\Windows AIK\\Tools\\x86\\imagex.exe] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,\"%pFileBox1%\\Tools\\%SysType%\\imagex.exe\",Set,\"%IMAGEX%\",\"%pFileBox1%\\Tools\\%SysType%\\imagex.exe\"]\r\n IF - File does not exist: [%programfiles%\\Windows AIK\\Tools\\x86\\imagex.exe] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,\"%pFileBox1%\\Tools\\%SysType%\\imagex.exe\",Set,\"%ImageTool%\",\"ImageX\"]\r\n IF - File does not exist: [%programfiles%\\Windows AIK\\Tools\\x86\\imagex.exe] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,\"%pFileBox1%\\Tools\\%SysType%\\imagex.exe\",Set,\"%WAIKDir%\",\"%pFileBox1%\"]\r\n IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\Tools\\imagex.exe] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,\"%Tools%\\imagex.exe\",Set,\"%IMAGEX%\",\"%Tools%\\imagex.exe\"]\r\n IF - File does not exist: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\Tools\\imagex.exe] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,\"%Tools%\\imagex.exe\",Set,\"%ImageTool%\",\"ImageX\"]\r\n IF - File does not exist: [C:\\Program Files\\Windows AIK\\Tools\\x86\\imagex.exe] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,\"%ProgramFilesDir%\\Windows#$sAIK\\Tools\\%SysType%\\imagex.exe\",Set,\"%IMAGEX%\",\"%ProgramFilesDir%\\Windows#$sAIK\\Tools\\%SysType%\\imagex.exe\"]\r\n IF - File does not exist: [C:\\Program Files\\Windows AIK\\Tools\\x86\\imagex.exe] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,\"%ProgramFilesDir%\\Windows#$sAIK\\Tools\\%SysType%\\imagex.exe\",Set,\"%ImageTool%\",\"ImageX\"]\r\n IF - File does not exist: [C:\\Program Files\\Windows AIK\\Tools\\x86\\imagex.exe] evaluated string: [If,ExistFile,\"%ProgramFilesDir%\\Windows#$sAIK\\Tools\\%SysType%\\imagex.exe\",Set,\"%WAIKDir%\",\"%ProgramFilesDir%\\Windows#$sAIK\"]\r\n IF - [x86] is not equal to: [amd64] evaluated string: [If,\"%SysType%\",Equal,\"amd64\",run,%ScriptFile%,Win64Check]\r\n Run - Processed section [AutoFindImagex] in file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\Base\\01-preconfig.script]\r\n IF - [%ImageTool%] is not equal to: [ImageX] evaluated string: [If,\"%ImageTool%\",NotEqual,\"ImageX\",run,%ScriptFile%,Find-WimUtil]\r\n \r\n Run - Processing section: [Find-WimUtil] From file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\Base\\01-preconfig.script]\r\n IF - [x86] is not equal to: [amd64] evaluated string: [If,\"%SysType%\",Equal,\"amd64\",Echo,\"WimUtil not compatible with Windows x64. #$x#$xExiting...\"]\r\n IF - [x86] is not equal to: [amd64] evaluated string: [If,\"%SysType%\",Equal,\"amd64\",Message,\"WimUtil not compatible with Windows x64. #$x#$xExiting...\"]\r\n IF - [x86] is not equal to: [amd64] evaluated string: [If,\"%SysType%\",Equal,\"amd64\",exit,\"Exiting..\"]\r\n Detecting WimUtil...\r\n IF - [x86] is not equal to: [amd64] evaluated string: [If,\"%SysType%\",NotEqual,\"amd64\",RegRead,\"HKLM\",\"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\FltMgr\",\"DisplayName\",\"%RegName%\"]\r\n RegRead - read specified key from: [HKLM]Section: [SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\FltMgr] Key: [DisplayName] to variable:: [%RegName%] with value: [FltMgr]\r\n IF - [x86] is not equal to: [amd64] evaluated string: [If,\"%SysType%\",NotEqual,\"amd64\",If,\"%RegName%\",NotEqual,\"FltMgr\",run,%ScriptFile%,FltMgr]\r\n IF - [FltMgr] is equal to: [FltMgr] evaluated string: [If,%RegName%,NotEqual,FltMgr,run,%ScriptFile%,FltMgr]\r\n RegRead - Failed to read specified key from: [HKLM]Section: [SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\WimFltr] Key: [DisplayName] to variable:: [%RegName%]\r\n Halt\r\n Run - Processed section [Find-WimUtil] in file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\Base\\01-preconfig.script]\r\n Run - Processed section [AutoDetectWimTool] in file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\Base\\01-preconfig.script]\r\n \r\n Script time: 219 miliseconds\r\n\r\n Finished processing script: PreConfig\r\n \r\n \r\n Project time: 531 miliseconds\r\n OnBuildExit [Exec,%API%,Clean,ERROR]\r\n \r\n Exec - Processing section: [Clean] From file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\Base\\00-api-main.script]\r\n with parameters: [ERROR]\r\n \r\n Run - Processing section: [Read_ENV] From file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\Base\\00-api-main.script]\r\n IniRead - [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [Language] to variable: [%DistLang%] with value []\r\n IniRead - [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [SourceDir] to variable: [%SDIR%] with value []\r\n IniRead - [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [SourceType] to variable: [%SourceType%] with value []\r\n IniRead - [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [WimTools] to variable: [%WimTools%] with value []\r\n IniRead - [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [SystemFiles] to variable: [%SystemFiles%] with value []\r\n IF - [] is not equal to: [ImageX] evaluated string: [If,\"%WimTools%\",Equal,\"ImageX\",IniRead,%VistaInfo%,\"VistaInfo\",\"imagex\",\"%IMAGEX%\"]\r\n IniRead - [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [BuildModel] to variable: [%BuildModel%] with value [MultiBoot]\r\n IniRead - [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [Shell] to variable: [%Shell%] with value [BS Explorer]\r\n IniRead - [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [ScreenResolution] to variable: [%ScreenResolution%] with value [1024x768]\r\n IniRead - [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [Locale] to variable: [%Locale%] with value [Auto]\r\n IniRead - [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [SysType] to variable: [%SysType%] with value []\r\n IniRead - [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [GrubSkin] to variable: [%GrubSkin%] with value [Face]\r\n IniRead - [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\project.ini] Section [VistaInfo] Key [ForceAllToRam] to variable: [%ForceAllToRam%] with value [No]\r\n IF - [] is equal to: [] evaluated string: [If,\"%SourceType%\",Equal,\"\",run,%API%,NotConfigured]\r\n Run - Failed to find section [NotConfigured] in file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\Base\\00-api-main.script]\r\n Halt\r\n Run - Processed section [Read_ENV] in file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\Base\\00-api-main.script]\r\n Exec - Processed section [Clean] in file: [%BaseDir%\\Projects\\VistaPE-Core\\Base\\00-api-main.script]\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nYou can post this log on the Boot Land forums whenever you need help to properly debug the errors on this project\r\nMore detailed documentation can be found on our wiki \r\n\r\nWinBuilder © 2006-2007 Nuno Brito\r\n[/HTML]
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