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  • 3 maanden later...
How are socialized today deitmrenes the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise kid who can help bring about a better society."In this issue ,the speaker tend to give us two claims .One the theory that the desiny of society is determined by socialization of fashion jewelry warehouse kid.The other a fact that we are poor in the ways to raise our who can bring a better society . As I see ,we can never get a conclusin that the a better society result just from socialization of high end jewelry stores kid. And it is not necessarily to be so pessimitic about the ways we educate our high end jewelry stores kid.To talk over the first claim,a clear conception of a better society is needed .Usually ,we are concerned with the the science ,culture ,economy and politics of a society when we look into it.Then it is reasonable that a better society means a advanced science and technology ,a enriched culture, a prosperous economy and a open political system.However ,none of these seems to be attainable just by socializing our . Especially the sicence ,whcih has much to do with the future of a society ,need much intellect and reasoning abilities rather than socialization.An old but striking examples aptly illustrate the point .Issac newton ,who is among the gteatest physicists, mathematicians and determined the destiny of the sicence ,whose achievements have influnenced even evey aspects of our life ,was not socialized that well .Yet he was so eccentric that many other coeval scientists found it difficult getting on well with him.The speaker's rationale ,which I strongly agree with ,is that education play a important role in forming the society.But I oppose to equating education with socialization. Moreover, we have no justification to impose all the obligation on our when it comes to the destity of society.While the speaker's first claim is not tenable ,I would argument more with the speaker about the second point which seems to be a too subjective assertion.In my ken ,not a peice of events can be available to support this view . On the contrary ,all humans' history indicates us that ways by whcih we raised our qvc jewelry kid have well served the society .No matters howe simple or complex these ways are ,through them ,we humans keep literate and be able to develop our culture;through them ,we built up our technology which make us live in a world filled with telephones ,digit cameras and computers ;through them ,our planet become more and more small and flat . Though we confront many problems today ,it is irrefutable that we ,once the fashion jewelry warehouse kid ,have bring about a better world. Evey generation have its problems to slove ,we too. Our education system is progressing by conquring its barriers.To sum up,socialization of have ,but a not main influence on the destiny of a society. Besides socialization,intellec, art and other courses should be fully emphasised.On the other hand ,we should be positive wiht our ways in education which have make a big diffrence in our history.
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