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Hoe kan ik de windows knop uitzetten tijdens gamen?


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Goeie vraag. Stom genoeg is daar geen eenvoudige oplossing voor, tenzij je een echt Microsoft toetsenbord hebt met alle bijbehorende drivers geïnstalleerd; dan kan je via Configuratiescherm / Toetsenbord de functies van je toetsen wijzigen. Kan zijn dat sommige andere fabrikanten ook zoiets meeleveren, maar de meeste mensen hebben helemaal geen aparte toetsenbord drivers geïnstalleerd, en dan heb je dus dit probleem. Het is op te lossen via het Register, maar dat is niet bepaald gebruiksvriendelijk en ook niet geheel zonder risico. Simpeler is het tooltje KeyTweak te gebruiken: NB: in dit programma zouden de Windows-toetsen die met nummers 59 en 63 moeten zijn... Herstarten is sowieso noodzakelijk, dus even snel aan of uit gooien is er helaas niet bij.
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  • 6 maanden later...
Mobile DJs for special eentvs And DJs that work the club or bar sceneYou will need a larger cross section of music as a mobile DJ as you will be catering to the tastes of many mixed audiences. The cheapest way to find out whether DJ’ing is for you is to find a friend or local community centre that already has some equipment. This way you can save some money to spend on tunes which you will need in abundance to practice on. If you decide DJ’ing is for you, you will eventually need to get some equipment. You will need two record players (decks) or CD mixers designed for DJ’ing. Technics 1200/1210 are the industry standard for record decks and Numark CDN 88’s for CD mixing are also good. The difference between this equipment and the CD/record players you have at home is the built in pitch control. The pitch control allows you to change the speed of the music which you will later need for mixing. You will also need a mixer to change between tracks without gaps in the music. A mixer can be used in the two main forms of mixing songs either for ‘scratching’ when a record or on some high end CD mixers the CD is moved back and forth to manipulate the sound. Or beat matching when one song is layered across another at the same speed to produce a smooth track change. It’s likely that if you are just starting out your fist gigs will be in venues that don’t have much equipment. If you are going to be a mobile disco DJ you will need sound equipment and lighting. In most cases you will need to take all if not some of your equipment to the venue. For venues that do not have their own sound system you will need to take some proper mobile disco equipment including speakers and an amplifier.a0The first impression that the iPhone makes is that of a minimalist device, no number keys, no answer or cancel key nothing! Just a single navigation joystick and that is it. This is one of the biggest reasons why the iPhone is considered the beautiful device it is, no matter how stylish phone manufacturers try to make their phone, the keypad is always the bottleneck, trust Apple inc. to get rid of the keypad all together. The similar looking HTC touch is the closest competition to the iPhone, it fails to make the impression that the Apple iPhone makes. A more detailed look at the iPhone reveals a standard 3.5 mm industry jack for earphones on one side, the standard volume up and down button keys, a home key button to switch the navigation to the home view and a ringer on off button (its amazing how many phones don’t have this button). So in general the iPhone is truly a minimalist device when it comes to the number of input buttons. Where the iPhone is revolutionary is the triple sensors it has built into it, the first sensor is a light sensor which automatically adjusts the brightness of the display screen according to the surrounding light, impressive to say the least. The second sensor is a new innovation; the sensor is a proximity sensor that automatically disables the touch screen while a user is speaking on the phone (i.e. when his ear is pressed up against the speaker of the phone).a0
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