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-= Radeon topic - deel 1 =-

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The peace of cake, even a sucker like hjs be able do the Work en bedankt he :grin:

even wat voor en na foto's

Een quote vanuit het "andere" Radeon topic

ATI uses 5% resistors in memory voltage circuit. It should be 1% to guarantee connect Vmem. This mean a wide range of real Vmem. And in the most of LE (i think) this voltage is below manufacturer recomended range (3.2V-3.4V). for example at this forum Vmem was 3.17V. Simple replacing of 2 resistors at PCB allowed to increase mem freq up to 285 (it was possible to achive only 265 before this mod).

p.s. I think ATI controls RTL/LE out ratio using such "inexact" resistors. It should only test real Vmem and mark a card as LE or RTL accordantly. p.s.s. there is some rumors about 8500 tv-out in russian forums: someone notice a difference between 7500&8500 tv-out. last one is capable to display only 800x600 (at last most of LE), but a 7500's tv-out is 1024x768!! I can't check this now so may be you can....

as far as I know, people increase voltage by changing the 2nd resistor (counting from left) in U8 line on card back.

I was told that one russian guy is going to write a detailed article on 8500 voltage issues on , hope he'll make an english version also. his opinion is that it might be a defect not a card design. he wrote that the 2 resistors nominals must be 910 ohm and 1.5kohm, but he measured them and they appeared to be 960 and 1.4, and the real voltage depends on their ratio. so he put real 910 and 1.5 resistors on his card, and get 3.3 or 3.4 v voltage, and his card become stable on 280/280. he flashed a retail bios and is very happy

en dan het echte werk

Because this could give some confusion; this is a full translation of important topic on but be aware: as i know some people killed their 8500LE in attempts to do this properly )

the attachment is a full thread. and the most important posts is from "Alexei" i translated only this post. [nbnhbnh] is my comments.

"the memoty chips on radeon 8500le (HY5DV641622AT) need 3 voltages: - for output cascades: 2.5V (VDDQ) - contacts No 3,9,15 - for chip itself: 3.3V VDD = legs 1,18,33 - reference voltage 0.5 VDDQ( VREF) = 49 - ground|common [i'm not sure which is right] = leg 49 I made some inventions in voltages of PoverMagic Radeon 8500LE. The results were impressive. Instead of 3.3 V (by specs) the VDD was only 3.17, but the spec the lower bound of Vdd is 3.2V!. VDDQ was 2.6 and DREF was 1.3

4 stabilazers are used to get volatges to card. one of them is "highly excact" LM2636 - to feed GPU itself. it is adjusted to 2.1V. others (3) create 3.3V, 2.5 & 1.25 V for RAM chips & something else.

i can understand some thing about these stabilizers. The 3.3V stabilizer is located on the back side of PCB, near the chip "51031" & unsoldered connector. This is an impulse stabilizer of firm Shery CS5131. there are 2 unmarked resistors, capacitor & a dip (marked ar 000) at the left of this chip. The correlation between resistance of two these resistors assigns the output voltage of the stabilizer. In theory [hmm, i don't know why?] these resistors should be 910Ohm & 1.5kOhm from left to right accordingly. In real they were 960 & 1.4. Only "cool spesialists" in ATi knows, why the firm decided to spare at 1% exact resistors, using 5% resistors instead. As a result of these resistance scatter we have low VDD. This is the right way to count nessesary resistances. The best way is to use 4-digit digital voltmeter [vtvm?] 1. check

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Originally posted by hjs: The peace of cake, even a sucker like hjs be able do the Work

en bedankt he :grin:

Jemig wat heb jij een lamme vertaler..... :wink:

Geen wonder dat die uitkomsten van Intromarkt zo "uniek" overkomen elke keer....


[This message has been edited by Slashhead (edited 14-12-2001).]

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Originally posted by Slashhead: Ok dan zeikerd :wink:

hjs, ik heb hier een Radeon 7500. Heb je nog een leuke demo voor me ?

lopen die nieuwe demo's op een 7500? geen idee, Radeon's Ark kan je natuurlijk proberen, lekker kontje heeft ze :wink:

Even zoeken op Rage3d

[This message has been edited by hjs (edited 14-12-2001).]

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Ik vind die hele flightsims, op enkele na niet zo heel erg boeiend, je ziet de vijand op je radarscherm op je afkomen, schiet een AMRAAM (of liever Phoenix als je een F14 heb :smile:

------------------ TB 1GHz@1.2GHz 512MB @150 mhz ABIT KT7A GF2 GTS (220@380)

[This message has been edited by BA (edited 14-12-2001).]

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Originally posted by BA: Ik vind die hele flightsims, op enkele na niet zo heel erg boeiend, je ziet de vijand op je radarscherm op je afkomen, schiet een AMRAAM (of liever Phoenix als je een F14 heb :smile:

IL2-Sturmovik is hetzelfde als met de A-10 ... ie : tanks etc vernietigen, geen radar (Do'h! WW 2-toestellen kenden dat nog niet :wink:) ... Er zit zelfs een complete map van Berlijn bij ...

enige nadeel is dat ie om een of andere vreemde reden niet altijd wil starten. :sad: Er staat geen enkele specifieke R8500-instelling tussen.

------------------ - Red Kink FM - - JaFO's Bot-editor - - How many pirates did you kill today ? -

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