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Hoe verwijder ik mystart?


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Ik probeer al een tijdje de instelling te veranderen welke pagina zich opent als ik een nieuw tablad open in google chrome, maar het lukt niet: Wat ik geprobeerd heb: 1)rechtermuisklik google chrome, internet opties, in het kader eigenschappen van internet, onder de tab algemeen, bij startpagina, 2In hetzelfde tabblad onder tabbladen: de knop instellingen: 'het volgende openen als er een nieuw tablad wordt geopend': een lege pagina 3 In een internet venster het sleuteltje, instellingen: Bij opstarten: ik kan alleen een pagina toevoegen, niet eentje weghalen, Ik blijf steeds die pagina ‘mystart’ krijgen, en die wil ik niet.
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, he or she would search for datas and bacgrkoud materials to make a judgment between the different viewpoints. Even it is proved that the student is wrong, this experience will impress him or her deeply and the correct vintage prom dresses knowledge will live longer in their mind. What is more important, every student will grow up, and become scholars, researchers or politicians. Being skeptical a habit they develop in their students age will help them gain great achievement in their professional fields. A scholar may encounter some phonomenon which contradict the known theories. Being skeptical rather than accepting passively can the truth be found eventually. A varieties of scientists can be cited to illustrate this point. Calileo felt doubtful to Aristotle s theory about gravity, and eventual prove Aristotle is wrong by making reasonable hypothesis and doing experiments. For a politician, skepticism is of particular importance when faced with the established policies. Roosevelt, for instance, standed out to challenging the policies Hoover made, and saved the whole America from the great Depression. Furthermore, our society is advanced by the spirit of skepticism. As long as the world shall last there will be wrongs, and if no man rebelled, those wrongs would last forever. Such is a remark of Clarence Darrow, which illustrates the point that skepticism motivates the development of our society. Skepticism is associated with the definitions like innovation, invention and discovery. If there were no one in the world to doubt, science would never exist. We may still think we are living in a flat world, and we are the center of universe. Civilization would never exist, we may still live in a turbulent society, full of unstable factor strong enough to ruin our life. Notwithstanding, knowledge lays the foundation for skepticism. It is more crucial to impart knowledge to the young students. They should spend more time to absorbing the established principles, which is more conducive for them than challenging excessively. Skepticism is not a radical way of thinking, but a logical thought process. Faced with the sea of information in today s world, we can hardly distinguish the right from the wrong. Schools should create the atmosphere that skepticism is encouraged, entangling students from limitation of examination marks. The ultimate goal of our vintage prom dresses education should be making the students learn to think independently and make their own judgments.
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