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Waarom werkt internet niet op pc, maar op laptop wel?


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Ik heb hier een probleempje met mijn internetverbinding en ik hoop dat iemand me de gouden tip kan geven... Sinds eergisteren werkt de internetverbinding op mijn hoofd-pc thuis (de desktop) niet meer. Het ligt niet aan de internetprovider of aan de router want laptops die (wireless) aan de router hangen, daar werkt internet nog gewoon prima. Als ik de Windows 7 probleemoplosser er op los laat dan wordt vermeld: "De standaardgateway is niet beschikbaar". Wat betekent dit? Is de netwerkkaart kapot, of is het poortje waar de netwerkkabel in gaat kapot? De kabel is in ieder geval goed en bij het poortje brandt een groen lichtje en knippert er iets oranje... Bij status van de LAN-verbinding wordt vermeld: IPv4 verb. mogelijkheden: geen internettoegang IPv6 verb. mogelijkheden: geen netwerktoegang Kan iemand me in een paar stappen uitleggen hoe ik de internetverbinding weer up-and-running kan krijgen??
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Aquamarine: aquamarine in its pure state is a cslorleos; Different varieties have different color is due to the existence of trace metal oxide. In the presence of a chrome oxide or vanadium oxide became emerald, usually the sapphire is due and ferrous oxide shading and become. Cesium aquamarine is due to be magnesium existence, and green pillar by the iron oxide and a color. Molecular formula for: Be3Al2 (SiO3) 6. The type of aquamarine including emerald, sea sapphire, maxixe type aquamarine, green cesium aquamarine, pillar, other transparent varieties, cat's eye aquamarine, aquamarine starlight. 18. Corundum: corundum is a very common minerals, besides the starlight gem, only translucent to transparent varieties can be called gems. Molecular formula for al2o3, including chrome oxide red, and a blue of titanium and iron oxide, including iron oxide yellow, including chromium and iron oxide orange color, including iron and titanium oxide is green, including chromium, titanium and iron oxide is purple. The type of corundum include ruby, starlight ruby, sapphire, colourful color sapphire, star sapphire. 19. Amber: a kind of organic matter. It is a kind of containing some of the ancient trees petrochemical gum turpentine. Molecular formula for C40H64O4. The type of amber including the er, copper, clean, pearl, pit of copper, copper, fat turbidity, bubble, bone pearl copper copper. 20. Coral: is the biological causes another gem raw materials. It is of coral polyps dentrites calcium skeleton with tiny Marine animals group formed hyperplasia. 21. Coal jade: coal jade is a variant of the lignite (components in the main is carbon, and contains hydrogen and oxygen).a0Editor this period of jewelry featuresGem, must have the following characteristics: opal Us , namely, glittering and translucent and bright glow. Gem if a0not beauty cannot become gem, this beautiful or performance for the color of the beautiful, or the a0performance for the transparent and clean, or a special optical effect (such as cat's eye, variable a0color, the phenomenon such as luminous), or a special design (such as chrysanthemum stone, agate, plum flower jade, etc.). For example, transparent diamond with less available to hone the defect into expensive a0diamond, and transparency, many poor black people, color brighten will be used as the raw materials a0of industry. Long , that is, quality of a material, can wear the same hard wear-resisting. Because a0the value of the gem, people will expect it to high to durable, can hedge hereditary items. Even Diamond a0is becoming the most expensive gems, one of the reasons is that it is the world's most hard, and not afraid a0of the corrosion of gem, as the stones of high value on more for some hardness, corrosion resistance silicate a0minerals (such as jade), a few oxide (such as ruby, sapphire,) and elemental minerals (such as diamond), and soft and vulnerable to corrosion of gem (such as jade, jade and so on) south itself lower value, often a0used to make art work to win;a0
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